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Institutional Scholarships


Information on how to apply for an art scholarship and the application can be found here.

Students should submit a digital portfolio, containing at least 10 digital images of their most recent art. This should be in the form of a PowerPoint or PDF containing:

  • Clear photographs of recent artwork, including details or alternate views as needed. Work must be identified by title, date, medium, and size.
  • A clearly written, thoughtful statement of 300-500 words, discussing the student's efforts to explore media, themes, and address artistic challenges. Students should speak to their major and minor interests at The College of Idaho and how such interests tie into the student's current and/or future artwork. The statement should be 300-500 words, in Times New Roman, 12-point font, in .docx format.

The faculty will review the digital portfolio and statement to determine award eligibility. The digital portfolio will be retained by the Art Department.

Questions should be directed to Edith Dull, Academic Administrative Assistant for the Fine & Performing Arts.


Students seeking an athletic scholarship must demonstrate athletic and academic achievement and strength of character both on and off the field. The College of Idaho competes in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and offers talent scholarships to athletes. Scholarship awards and eligibility are directly controlled by the coaches for each sport. Students who would like to demonstrate their skills and be considered for athletic scholarships should directly contact the head coach for their sport. All varsity sports and coaches are listed on the Yote Athletics website or contact the Athletic Department for more information.

Cheer & Dance

Tryouts are conducted every April for possible scholarships for the College's Cheer & Dance teams. These groups perform at athletic contests and select community events during the academic year. Scholarships for both teams are renewable annually for up to four years. Please contact Cheer/Dance coach GG Anderson for more information about the scholarships and how to sign up for tryouts.

Christian Leadership

Incoming Freshmen and transfer students can receive scholarships for Christian community leadership. Scholarships are renewable for up to 4 years.

Student leadership includes:

  1. Personal spiritual growth
  2. Cultivating Christian community on campus
  3. Participating in the Christian Community Leadership Program

Most weeks this is a 4-5 hour commitment. Time commitments are flexible around students' schedules including varsity athletics, homework, and other co-curricular activities. Leadership includes attending and supporting the weekly large-group Christian gathering on Wednesday nights, meeting regularly with a Christian Leadership staff person, and building and caring for the Christian community on campus.

For more information and an application, contact Campus Minister Phil Rogers.


Students seeking a Debate scholarship should submit a scholarship application found here.

For more information about the team, check out our website. Students receiving a scholarship for debate are required to attend regular practices, tournaments over the course of the year (potentially online and/or in-person) as well as complete research assignments, educational presentations, and uphold our core values of Community, Diversity, and Professionalism.

If students would like to submit supporting material for their application, like letters from coaches, teachers or debate resumes, they can submit materials digitally directly to Associate Professor of Speech & Debate Kyle Cheesewright.

The Howling 'Yotes offer competitive scholarships to incoming students interested in participating in the British Parliamentary Debate. Award amounts vary depending on experience, achievement, and potential of the applicant.


Students seeking a Music scholarship are evaluated on criteria like preparation, tone quality, stage presence, musicianship, and growth potential. Students should demonstrate openness to learning, interest in growing, and a specific desire to attend The College of Idaho. Auditioning puts students in consideration for one of many available music scholarships, and is not limited to students majoring in music. Students of all degree programs are eligible for award.

Information on how to audition for a music scholarship, and the scholarship audition application can be found here. Applicants can be expected to submit the following information on our application:

  • A brief description of the applicant's background in musical training, vocal and/or instrumental.
  • A brief list of notable, solo literature studied.
  • Names of teachers or instructors with whom the applicant studied or who know the applicant's music abilities.

Criteria for audition include:

  • Wind and Brass - Prepare a solo work for the instrument representative of your current ability. A piece fro the state solo list or a sufficiently technical etude are appropriate choices. Accompanists are welcome but are not necessary or expected. A major scale across the whole range of your instrument may be asked.
  • Percussion - Prepare two brief solo works or etudes, one for snare drum and one for keyboard percussion. Demonstration of major scales may also be asked. Accompanists are welcome but not necessary or expected. Instruments will be provided for you. Jazz percussionists should also be prepared to demonstrate a variety of styles on drum set.
  • Vocalists - Prepare two art songs or arias of contrasting styles, tempos, or languages. Both songs may be sung in English. One of the songs may be from the jazz, folk, or musical theatre genre. Two brief sight-singing and aural recall excerpts will also be asked. An accompanist will be provided.
  • Strings - Prepare two contrasting pieces or movements no longer than ten minutes combined. Accompanists are welcome but are not necessary or expected. A major scale across the whole range of your instrument may also be asked.
  • Piano - Prepare two contrasting solo piano pieces from the standard repertoire.
    • Suggested Repertoire - A prelude and fugue from the Well-Tempered Clavier; A movement from a Classical Sonata; A piece by Schumann, Brahms, Chopin, Liszt, Mendelssohn, or Debussy.

Questions should be directed to Edith Dull, Academic Administrative Assistant for the Fine & Performing Arts.


Students seeking a Theatre scholarship may submit materials or audition in acting, design and technical, and playwriting. More information about auditioning for a theatre scholarship, and the scholarship application, can be found here. Applicants should follow these guidelines when preparing an audition or portfolio.


  • Prepare and memorize two monologues contrasting in mood and style for an audition. One monologue must be classical (preferably Shakespeare) and the other contemporary. Pieces should be from an acceptable, published work and may not be stand-up routings, screenplays, or original works. Each monologue should last about a minute.
  • Bring a brief resume to the audition, listing productions in which the applicant appeared and the specific roles played; the place or organization where the production was produced; other positions held in theatre productions, such as crew or marketing; and any awards or honors received.

Design and Technical

Applicants for design and technical consideration must submit a brief resume listing:

  • Productions in which the applicant has been responsible for an aspect of design, such as set, costume, or lighting.
  • Specific work performed.
  • Place or organization where the production was produced.
  • Any awards or honors received.

Additionally, please submit a portfolio containing examples, photos, or drawings of your designs and the finished product.

Questions should be directed to Edith Dull, Academic Administrative Assistant for the Fine & Performing Arts.

Application-based Scholarships

Applications for these scholarships are all located on the Financial Aid Applications and Forms page.

Lienhart-Minnick Scholarship

A.K. Lienhart-Minnick and Walt Minnick established a scholarship awarded annually to academically gifted high school seniors from Idaho. Scholarship recipients must have a proven record of superior academic performance in high school, an outstanding record of school or other pre-college leadership, and clear potential for success in the rigorous intellectual campus environment of The College of Idaho. A combination of ACT, SAT or equivalent aptitude scores and high school grades must place the applicant in the top five percent of their graduating high school class.  Applications are due on or before March 1. Click here to apply.

Whittenberger Fellows Scholarship

The Whittenberger Foundation gives a grant to The College of Idaho to fund the Whittenberger Fellows Scholarship. The Scholarship is a competitive scholarship for academically superior students with financial need. Applicants must possess a high school or college grade point average of at least 3.500. Applicants with pre-medical intentions or education majors receive priority consideration, but all majors are invited to apply. This scholarship may be renewed provided a recipient maintains a college cumulative grade point average of 3.000 or higher and continues to demonstrate financial need. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be filed for applicants and renewals to be considered.  Applications are due on or before March 1. Click here to apply.

The George Wolfe Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding College of Idaho student. Applicants must currently attend the College; maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher; be majoring in political economy, international political economy, history, or philosophy, or be a bona-fide pre-law student; and demonstrate financial need (FAFSA required). Applicant files will be examined by a selection committee consisting of faculty representatives from political economy, history, and philosophy, one additional at-large faculty member, and a graduate of the College currently practicing law in the Treasure Valley.

The Irma Frisch Farrington Fund-George Wolfe Pre-Law Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding C of I student based on coursework. It is designated to College of Idaho Students studying pre-law or demonstrating law school ambitions. The recipient must be a full-time student with sophomore standing or above with a minimum GPA of 3.00 and show need (FAFSA required).

A teaching legend at the College, Wolfe received his law degree from the University of Vienna. After fleeing his native Austria on the eve of World War II in 1939, he served as an in-residence scholar in the Department of Political Science at Yale University before coming to The College of Idaho. Over a 24-year period, many of Wolfe’s students attended outstanding law schools and graduate schools, a tradition that still holds today. Dr. Wolfe also founded Model UN at The College of Idaho. These scholarships are generously funded and sustained by alumni who honor Wolfe’s legacy through the financial support of current College students.

Merit Scholarships

Merit scholarships are awarded to new students based on a combination of GPA (high school or transfer credit), SAT and ACT scores, test optional index scores and/or transfer credits accepted.

First-Year Students

For first-year students who have never attended college merit aid is awarded based primarily on high school GPA and test scores or test optional index scores. The award is guaranteed through senior year as long as scholarship criteria is continuously met and the student maintains Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Award Levels

Applicants will receive merit awards based on their cumulative high school grade point average.  The following table indicates the high school grade point average a freshman applicant must achieve and their resulting scholarship.  Please note that students are still required to submit an ACT/SAT test result, or complete the test-optional admission process as part of the application review for admission to The College of Idaho.”

Scholarship Amount Per Year GPA
Presidential Merit $22,000 3.95 and above
Trustee Merit $20,000 3.80
Dean Merit $17,000 3.55
William Judson Boone Merit  $14,000 3.24
PEAK Merit $12,000 3.23 or below


Award Levels for Transfer Students

The College of Idaho offers a variety of academic scholarships to qualified transfer students.  Academic scholarships and grants are offered through the admission process.  Our traditional annual merit awards are the following:

Scholarship Amount Per Year GPA
Presidential Merit  $22,000 3.80 and above
Trustee Merit $20,000 3.60 - 3.79
Deans Merit $17,000 3.40 - 3.59
William Judson Boone Merit  $14,000 3.20 - 3.39
PEAK Merit $12,000 2.50 - 3.19


Need-based Scholarships

A need-based scholarship is one that is awarded to students based on their household income. The FAFSA is required to assist in determining student need eligibility. Students from low-income families are more likely to receive need-based scholarships to help pay for college tuition. Eligibility is based solely on the assets and income of the prospective student and his or her family. Factors such as test scores or athletic ability have no bearing on need-based aid.

Talent Scholarships


Students applying for an art scholarship must contact Evonne Earl, Academic Assistant to Art, to arrange an appointment with department faculty. The application can be found here.

Students should bring a digital portfolio containing at least 12 and no more than 20 digital images of their most recent art. This should be in the form of a PowerPoint containing:

  • Clear photographs of recent artwork, including details or alternate views as needed. Work must be identified by title, date, medium and size.
  • A clearly written, thoughtful statement of 300-500 words, discussing the student’s efforts to explore media, themes, and address artistic challenges.

Faculty will review the digital portfolio and statement during an on-campus interview with the student. Students may bring actual examples of work to their interview. The digital portfolio will be retained by the Art Department.

Students for whom travel to interviews would constitute a genuine hardship, may request a telephone or Skype interview. If their request is granted, students would be responsible for submitting portfolios at least a week before the date of the interview. While faculty are willing to make such accommodations, face-to-face interviews are much preferred.


Students seeking an athletic scholarship must demonstrate athletic and academic achievement, and strength of character both on and off the field. The College of Idaho competes in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and offers talent scholarships to athletes. Scholarship awards and eligibility are directly controlled by the coaches for each sport. Students who would like to demonstrate their skills and be considered for athletic scholarships should directly contact the head coach for their sport. All varsity sports and coaches are listed on the Yote Athletics website or contact the Athletic Department for more information.

Cheer/Color Guard

Tryouts are conducted every April for possible scholarships for the College of Idaho's Cheer and Color Guard teams. These groups perform at athletic contests and select community events during the academic year. Scholarships are renewable annually for up to four years. Please contact Cheer/Color Guard coach GG Anderson for more information about the scholarships and how to sign up for tryouts.

Christian Leadership

Incoming Freshmen and transfer students can receive scholarships for Christian community leadership. Scholarships are renewable for up to 4 years.

Student leadership includes:

  1. Personal spiritual growth
  2. Cultivating Christian community on campus
  3. Participating in the Christian Community Leadership Program

Most weeks this is a 4-5 hour commitment. Time commitments are flexible around students schedules including varsity athletics, homework, and other co-curricular activities. Leadership includes attending and supporting the weekly large-group Christian gathering on Wednesday nights, meeting regularly with a Christian Leadership staff person, and building and caring for Christian community on campus.

For more information and an application, contact Campus Minister Phil Rogers.


Students seeking a Debate scholarship must submit a resume outlining their experience and accomplishments in Debate, Theatre or any other performance art. Recommendation letters from coaches or camp leaders are encouraged. Resumes should be submitted to Assistant Professor of Speech & Debate Kyle Cheesewright. Our program offers incoming student scholarships that are highly competitive. Award amounts vary depending on the experience and achievement of the applicant.

The College of Idaho Howlin’ Yotes compete in Parliamentary Debate, International Public Debate, British Parliamentary Debate and the eleven speech events authorized by the AFA-NIET. Team members are required to participate in both speech and debate competition.


Students seeking a Music scholarship are evaluated on criteria like preparation, tone quality, stage presence, musicianship and growth potential. Students should demonstrate openness to learning, an interest in growing and a specific desire to attend The College of Idaho. Audition appointments may be arranged by contacting Evonne Earl, Academic Assistant to Music. Information on how to audition for a scholarship can be found here. Applicants should submit or bring the following information:

  • Names and contact information of teachers or instructors with whom the applicant studied or who know the applicant's music abilities.
  • A resume listing the number of years of musical training, vocal and/or instrumental; a list of solo literature studied; and a statement describing the applicant's musical interests and goals.

Criteria for auditions includes:

  • Vocal students should prepare two art songs or arias of contrasting styles, tempos or languages. Both songs may be sung in English. One of the songs may be from the jazz, folk or musical theatre genre.
  • Keyboard students, including piano and organ, should prepare two compositions from contrasting periods, one of which must be performed from memory.
  • Instrumental students, including winds, percussion and strings, should prepare one etude or solo from the standard literature that demonstrate technical ability and musicianship. Percussionists will be asked to play several rudiments on the snare drum. String students should have a three-octave major scale ready to demonstrate intonation and tone quality.


Students seeking a Theatre scholarship may submit materials or audition in acting, design and technical, and playwriting. More information about auditioning for a theatre scholarship can be found here. Applicants should follow these guidelines when preparing an audition or portfolio. Materials and an audition request may be submitted to Professor Theatre Joe Golden.


  • Prepare and memorize two monologues contrasting in mood and style for an audition. One monologue must be classical (preferably Shakespeare) and the other contemporary. Pieces should be from acceptable, published works and may not be stand-up routines, screenplays or original works. Each monologue should last about a minute.
  • Bring a brief resume to the audition listing productions in which the applicant appeared and the specific roles played; the place or organization where the production was produced; other positions held in theatre productions, such as crew or marketing; and any awards or honors received.

Design and Technical

Applicants for design and technical consideration must submit a brief resume listing:

  • Productions in which the application has been responsible for an aspect of design, such as set, costume or lighting.
  • Specific work performed.
  • Place or organization where the production was produced.
  • Any awards or honors received.

Additionally, please submit a portfolio containing examples, photos or drawings of your designs and the finished product.


Playwrights should prepare a portfolio containing samples of their writing, including both drafts and finished scripts. If any of the work has been produced then the portfolio should also contain examples of the produced work, like production photos, programs and playbills. Please include a brief resume listing places or organizations where the production was produced and any awards or honors received.