The Student Handbook
Download the UPDATED 2024-2025 handbook as a PDF.
From the Dean
Dear Student,
The Student Code of Conduct as outlined in this Student Handbook provides information about The College of Idaho's policies regarding student behavior, as well as resources available to students. We hope the policies contained in this Handbook provide you with a general understanding of your rights and responsibilities as a member of the College community, as well as of the departments, services, facilities, and other resources available to you. Additional information about academic programs and requirements can be found in The College of Idaho Catalog.
We encourage you to fully read the Student Handbook and to utilize the many resources available to you at The College of Idaho. We expect all students to maintain standards of personal conduct that are in harmony with the educational ideals of the institution and to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on the College. We also encourage you to take advantage of the co-curricular learning opportunities available on campus through residence life, student activities, student government, athletics, campus ministry, and community service, to name a few.
The policies and procedures located in the Student Handbook are subject to revision at any time with little or no advance notification, however, every attempt is made to adhere to the policies as outlined in this Student Code of Conduct at the beginning of the academic year. To the degree possible, substantive changes will only be made between academic years. Students are held accountable to the Student Handbook policies that are in place at the time an incident is officially reported to a non-confidential source.
If you have any questions about the contents of this Handbook or suggestions on how to improve it, please feel free to contact me via email or phone.
With very best regards for a rewarding academic year,
Paul R. Bennion, PhD
VP for Student Affairs & Dean of Students
Previous Handbooks
2016-2017 Student Handbook (PDF)
2017-2018 Student Handbook (PDF)
2018-2019 Student Handbook (PDF)
2019-2020 Student Handbook (PDF)
2020-2021 Student Handbook (PDF)
2021-2022 Student Handbook (PDF)
2022-2023 Student Handbook (PDF)
2023-2024 Student Handbook (PDF)