The College of Idaho is committed to providing an educational environment that is accessible to the needs of its students with disabilities. The College provides reasonable services to enrolled students who have a documented physical, psychiatric, medical, learning, intellectual, or sensory disability (whether permanent, temporary, progressive, episodic, or transitory) that qualifies under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other pertinent federal, state, and local disability anti-discrimination laws. The College also affords formal grievance procedures that provide prompt and equitable resolution of any complaints arising out the College’s responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act or of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or other appropriate law.
The Department of Accessibility & Learning Excellence (DALE) is responsible for providing students with disabilities services necessary to promote a rewarding and successful academic experience. It also aims to foster a campus culture of acceptance, inclusion, and positive attitudes.
If a student has or thinks they have a disability that impacts their performance as a student, they are encouraged to arrange support services and/or accommodations through DALE. Even if the student does not think their disability will impact their academics, it is in the student’s best interest to disclose any disability to DALE.
For any inquiries regarding accommodations or disability services contact DALE via email ( or come by the office, which is located in McCain 201B.