The College of Idaho supports its students in applying for a range of external awards, fellowships, and scholarships as they pursue graduate study or endeavors after completing their bachelor’s degree at the College. As it is best to begin preparing for these awards very far in advance, it is never too early to reach out and express interest or ask questions. Further, this list is far from exhaustive. So, we encourage you to research other options. Be bold and apply today!
Oxford & Cambridge Bound

Rhodes Scholarship
As “the oldest and most celebrated international fellowship awards in the world,” selects scholars for their scholarly achievements, commitment to others and potential for future leadership to pursue a degree at the University of Oxford. Faculty Contact: Sue Schaper

Davies-Jackson Scholarship
For students with exceptional academic records, who are among the first generation in their families to graduate college, to participate in a course of study at St. John’s College at the University of Cambridge. Faculty Contact: Sue Schaper

Gates Cambridge Scholarship
Supports scholars with a commitment to changing the world for the better and outstanding leadership potential, who desire to pursue graduate studies or a second bachelor’s degree at the University of Cambridge. Faculty Contact: Alice Vinson
Studying Abroad

Fulbright Student Grants
Funds American citizens to pursue graduate study, conduct research or teach English abroad, expanding perspectives through academic and professional advancement and cross-cultural dialogue. Faculty Contact: Jeff Snyder-Reinke

British Marshall Scholarship
Supports graduate-level study by Americans of high ability at any British University in any subject to strengthen the enduring relationship between British and American peoples and their governments and institutions. Faculty Contact: Sue Schaper

Mitchell Scholarship
Supports graduate-level study at any institution of higher learning in Ireland and Northern Ireland by future American leaders committed to scholarship, leadership and community and public service. Faculty Contact: Sue Schaper
Science & Society

Goldwater Scholarship
Recognizes future research leaders in science, engineering, and mathematics by supporting exceptional college sophomores and juniors who intend to earn a graduate degree and pursue research and/or college-level teaching. Faculty Contact: Anna Himler

Hertz Fellowship
Supports students who intend to pursue a PhD in the applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics, or engineering and direct their studies toward understanding and solving major, near-term problems facing society. Faculty Contact: Jim Dull

NSF Graduate Fellowship
For study and research in the sciences or in engineering leading to master's or doctoral degrees in the mathematical, physical, biological, engineering, behavioral and social sciences, and in the history and philosophy of science. Faculty Contact: Anna Himler
Powered by Passion

Truman Scholarship
Supports students with an extensive record of community service, a strong academic record and a well-articulated vision of how to create change, who are planning to pursue graduate school in pursuit of a career in public service. Faculty Contact: Diane Raptosh

James Madison Fellowship
Supports individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of American history, American government or civic classes, teaching topics on the American Constitution at the secondary school level. Faculty Contact: Kevin Talbert

Rotary World Peace Scholarship
For students committed to peace and cooperation, it provides the opportunity to pursue a two-year master’s level degree or certificate in international studies, peace studies, and conflict resolution at one of the university partners. Faculty Contact: Nick Underwood
Invest in a Student-Centered Degree