Dr. Scott Draper Anthropology/Sociology Professor

About Dr. Scott Draper
sociology of religion; social theory; microsociology
- Ph.D., Sociology, Baylor University, 2012
- M.A., Sociology, Baylor University, 2009
- M.F.A., Acting, Harvard University/Moscow Art Theatre School, 2001
- B.A., English Literature, Wheaton College, 1998
The following list contains select publications
Draper, Scott. 2021. “Effervescence Accelerators: Barriers to Outsiders in Christian Interaction Rituals.” Sociology of Religion 82(3): 357-379.
Draper, Scott. 2019. Religious Interaction Ritual: The Microsociology of the Spirit. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Spencer, Anne Cottrell and Scott Draper. 2018. “Introducing the Sort-Of Buddhist; or, ‘If There is No “I” To Have a Religious Identity Then How Do I Fill Out This Survey?’” Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 14(3).
Draper, Scott. 2017. “The Preeminent Sacred Symbol: Theorizing Image of God Outcomes.” Sociology Compass 11(10).
Draper, Scott. 2014. “Effervescence and Solidarity in Religious Organizations.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 53(2): 229-248.
Stroope, Sam, Scott Draper, and Andrew Whitehead. 2013. “Images of a Loving God and Sense of Meaning in Life.” Social Indicators Research. 111(1): 25-44
Sherman, Martha and Scott Draper. 2012. “What Will the Neighbors Think? The Effect of Moral Communities on Cohabitation.” Review of Religious Research.
Draper, Scott and Joseph Baker. 2011. “Angelic Belief as American Folk Religion.” Sociological Forum. 26(3): 623-643.