Johnson remains a Langroise Fellow at the College following recent retirements by Samuel Smith and Geoffrey Trabichoff. He serves as the Trio’s violist in performances and will be joined by Shea (violinist) and Kettler (cellist).
Josh Andersen took charge of the Patrick Shirt, creating a list of friends who would wear the shirt each Wednesday. The list quickly grew beyond the circle of friends.
The workload can be particularly heavy in the winter, when snow removal and clear walking spaces are so critical to providing a safe environment to the campus community.
This fall, the class chose to operate a concession stand at each of the school’s home football games at Simplot Stadium and donate the money to charity.
“It is always rewarding to see the combined efforts of our world-class faculty, coaches and staff recognized as one of the top institutions of higher learning in the nation and the No. 1 school in the state,” said Co-President Doug Brigham.
He proposed taking Raptosh’s submission and combining it with two other entries Etruscan had received. So Raptosh discussed the idea with Karen Donavan (“Planet Parable”) and Daneen Wardrop (“Endless Body”) and decided to work together.