Powell says the opera’s spoken dialogue is in English but all of the songs will be performed in Italian with translations available for the audience. The students involved in the production are not all music majors but most are involved in the music department.
At that point, Dayley agreed to take over responsibility for updating the book, which is primarily used as an undergraduate textbook at colleges and universities in Asia, Europe, and North America.
"I know the type of students we’re getting. I know the academic background they have. I know the skill development that happens in the UWC in terms of being able to be away from home, being in a residential community, being part of a community. Why wouldn’t you want students like that in a community like ours?”
He’s not talking about teaching students where to find the best hot springs. He’s talking about preparing students for life beyond the Caldwell campus.
Gudgell’s appearance will come after a candle-light walk from Indian Creek Plaza in downtown Caldwell to the Langroise Center for Performing & Fine Arts.
Throughout the summer research experience, Truksa witnessed confidence building in Harwood and improvement in her ability to learn and make things happen faster.
For the first time, Whitwood is joining forces with Arnoldo Hernandez and Adan De La Paz of the College’s Department of Inclusion & Intercultural Engagement for the event, which falls on the same Monday as Martin Luther King Junior day.