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College of Idaho

Yote News

Sara Heggland and Florence Wavreil

Biology students lead way in first-of-its-kind research

February 21, 2019

A recent paper published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology on e-cigarette research done largely at The College of Idaho has begun to blaze new trails on the toxicity of e-cigarettes on human bone cells.

Mike Hiuga

Students hear from WWII internment survivor

February 08, 2019

Sean Blackwell's Sociology class had an opportunity to listen to Mika Hiuga, the last living Nisei who is willing to tell the story of her internment during World War II.

Study Abroad in Ecuador image

An elevated Ecuadorian education

February 07, 2019

The trip to the small South American country was educational, encompassing class-credit courses in Biology, Spanish, and Health & Human Performance. The experience, according to those involved, was irreplaceable.

Dave Eggar

Music residency brings opportunity to campus

February 07, 2019

This week, students, staff and the community get a rare opportunity to meet, interact with, and learn from even more world-class musicians courtesy of a music residency with cellist Dave Eggar and friends.