Room Draw is the process whereby current students select housing for the following year. Once registered, students are assigned a point for every semester they have been a full-time college student. Students with the same number of points are grouped together. The group with the highest number of points selects first, the next select second, and so on. Within each group, students are randomly assigned a number and corresponding time to choose a room. This process was developed with the help of students and is periodically reviewed by a committee of students.
What do I do?
Once you have submitted your registration, you have reserved your place in Room Draw.
When will I know when I can select a room?
You will receive your lottery number and corresponding time to select a room via your Yote email the week of March 15.
What if my plans change?
Once you have signed up for housing at Room Draw, you have committed to living on campus for the following year. You may cancel your place in RoomDraw by the Monday before Room Draw without penalty. After that date, but before you move into housing, the cancellation will result in a $300.00 fine. You will not be allowed to cancel housing mid-year, except under extraordinary circumstances. Even if you move out, you will still be responsible for the cost of housing for the year.
Who is required to live on campus?
Students in their first three years who are under 21, unmarried, and who do not have dependent children.
What about my meal plan?
During Room Draw, you'll also have a chance to indicate which meal plan you would like for next year. You can adjust your meal plan for fall until the Friday of the first full week of classes.
I can't make it to Room Draw at my assigned time. What do I do?
You can designate a staff member from Residence Life to select a room for you, or designate a friend to do it. If you designate a friend, e-mail to let the Residence Life staff know that person is allowed to pick a room for you.
I've heard some students mention a petition out of the residency requirement. Can I do that?
Students who would like to request an exemption to the residency request because of extraordinary circumstances may submit a Non-Academic Petition to be reviewed by the Non-Academic Petition Committee. Petitions are reviewed on an as-needed basis. Turning in a petition means that your circumstances will be reviewed by a committee, not that you have been granted an exemption to the residency requirement. You should not make any other housing plans until you hear from the committee. Petitions are available at the Residence Life Office in Hendren Hall, and on the Residence Life webpage under the forms heading.
I have a learning disability or other diagnosis that means I should have a certain type of housing. What do I do?
Register for diability-related services and complete – and have a qualified professional/treating physician complete – the Disability-Related Residential Accommodation form. Or, contact the DALE Office at or swing by McCain 201B to schedule an appointment.
I am interested in your gender-inclusive living environment. What do I do?
Fill out an application, available on the forms section of the residence life webpage, and turn it in by Wednesday, March 10, but it will be reviewed at any time. If you have any questions at all, please contact Matt Gier, Director of Residence Life.