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College of Idaho

Staff & Contributors

Leadership & Management

Bill Clark, Director
Dr. Ashley L. Ferguson, NSF Project Manager
Lydia Pedraza, Museum Administrative Assistant

Museum Staff, Contributors and Information

Board of Directors

William Clark, Museum Director
Dr. James Toomey, Board Chairperson
Jack Cafferty, Treasurer
Billie Farley, Secretary
Dr. Barbara Ertter
Dr. Ron Bitner
Dr. Eric Yensen
Dr. Anna Himler
Amy Truksa

Brad Stokes
Dr. David Ward, Jr.
Museum Assistant
Harrison Pardue, Student Representative

Museum Contributors

Jan Summers Duffy, Facebook Administrator
Randy Whipple, Evans Gem and Mineral Collections Liaison
Billie Ann Farley, Outreach Specialist


Dr. Craig R. Baird, Curator of Entomology
Dr. Paul Castrovillo, Curator of Lepidoptera
Dr. Patrick F. Fields, Curator of Paleontology, Research Associate of Paleobotany
Dr. Alan R. Gillogly, Curator of Entomology 
Dr. James B. (Ding) Johnson, Curator of Entomology
Dr. Kaitlin Maguire, Curator of Paleontology
Dr. James K. Ryan, Curator of Entomology
Dr. David Ward, Jr., Curator of Entomology
Dr. Eric Yensen, Curator of Mammals
Dr. Donald W. Zaroban, Curator of Fishes and Collection Manager of Herpetology
Dr. Barbara Ertter, Curator of Botany and Paleobotany
Stephen H. Bouffard, Curator of Birds
Nathan E. Carpenter, Curator of the Evans Gem & Mineral Collections; Curator of Paleontology
William H. Clark, Museum Director and Curator of Invertebrates
Janet L. Summers Duffy, Curator of Archaeology & Egyptology
Howard Emry, Curator of Paleontology
William James Nance, Curator of Ethnography
Amy Dolan, Curator of Entomology
Stephanie Shank, Curator of Entomology

Museum Assistants, Associates & Coordinators

Dr. Ron Bitner, Research Associate of Entomology
Dr. Paul Blom, Research Associate Entomology
Dr. Sean Farley, Research Associate of Mammalogy
Dr. David H. Greegor, Jr., Research Associate
Dr. Julia T. Sankey, Research Associate
Dr. Ralph F. Stearley, Research Associate of Paleontology
Dr. Chris Walser, Associate Curator of Fishes
Dr. James D. McIver, Entomology Volunteer
Kinga Britschgi, Tour Coordinator and Research Associate
Mary Clark, Curatorial Assistant of Entomology
Steve Bouffard, Librarian
Wayne Lewis, Librarian

James Pike, Research Associate
Richard A. Salisbury, Associate Curator of Mollusca
Teresa Tarifa, Research Associate of Mammals

Angela Lints, Entomology Volunteer
Leta J. Wilson, Entomology Volunteer
Brad Smith, Mollusca Volunteer
Ken Grove, Paleobotany Volunteer
Rob Plotnikoff, Aquatic Macroinvertebrates Volunteer.
Don Dixon, Evans Collection Volunteer
Leland Thames, Facilities

Student Assistants

Andras Britschgi
Zoe Denassar
Justin Kim
Abdullah Korra
Rosalia Imalwa, NSF Grant Project
Kylie Johnson, NSF Grant Project
Batu Olana, NSF Grant Project
​​​​​​​Sydney Southern, NSF Grant Project

Standing Committees

LIBRARY COMMITTEE: Nate Carpenter (Chair); Wayne Lewis, Library Director; Stephen H. Bouffard; William Clark

EXHIBIT COMMITTEE: Dr. Eric Yensen (Chair): Jan Summers Duffy; William Clark; Dr. Patrick Fields

EVANS GEM AND MINERAL COLLECTIONS COMMITTEE: Nate Carpenter (Chair); William Clark; Howard Emry; Dr. Barbara Ertter; Wayne Lewis; Dr. James K. Ryan; Dr. David Ward

WEB PAGE COMMITTEE: Dr. Paul Blom (Editor); William Clark (Reviewer)