The College of Idaho is concerned with the protection of the rights and welfare of human participants in all research conducted by faculty, staff and students and by outside entities using College faculty, staff, and students as part of their research. This concern, which is the primary purpose of the IRB, includes the protection of the rights to privacy, the need for informed consent, protection and confidentiality of data, protection against physical, psychological, social, or economic risks and an appropriate demonstration of benefit to risk ratio.
The IRB will ensure that all human research conducted by The College of Idaho faculty, staff, and students will follow the ethical principles described in The Belmont Report and will comply with the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, 45 CFR (The Common Rule).
By meeting these requirements, the IRB will assist faculty and student researchers, staff, administrative personnel, and other involved college community members in avoiding errors or oversights that can result in justifiable complaints and actions, including lawsuits against the college and/or anyone acting in a college sanctioned capacity.
Please see the College's IRB Handbook or contact your department or division chair for more information about IRB procedures and policies.