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College of Idaho

Gipson Honors Program

The Gipson Honors Program serves outstanding individuals who have demonstrated broad intellectual curiosity and the potential for high academic achievement. The Honors Program offers selected students guided opportunities for leadership development, academic growth, and professional preparation. Students in the Honors Program participate in rich programming and a close-knit community. Admission to the Gipson Honors Program is by invitation only. To learn more about the benefits and expectations of the Gipson Honors program, click here.

Heritage Scholarship

The Heritage Scholarship provides full-tuition scholarships to highly qualified students with exceptional intellectual ability, as well as admittance to the Gipson Honors Program.  Holders of the Scholarship are expected to demonstrate both the qualities of mind and the qualities of the person that will allow a student to flourish in The College of Idaho's rigorous and community-oriented academic environment and in the challenging world beyond college.  Competition for this scholarship is by invitation only.  To learn more, click here.

For questions about admission to the Program, please contact your admission counselor or Dr. Rachel Miller of the Gipson Honors Program.

For students already in the program, access the Gipson Fund application here.