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College of Idaho

Student Advocates

Advocate Center

The College of Idaho Advocate Center is a student-driven department, overseen by the Wellness Center, that is committed to creating a safe, inclusive atmosphere for all members of the campus community through supportive resources & educational programming to promote mental, physical, & academic well-being for all.

Advocates provide supportive resources and educational programming to promote mental, physical, and academic well-being. Advocates are students who engage in extensive training hours and learn from experienced members of our community. They are skilled at helping their peers deal with the stress brought on by the challenges that college life can create, including academic struggles, career planning, burnout, relationship problems, financial issues, family problems, health problems, and general life stressors.   

Contact Us

Hours & Location 

  • Walk In’s: Center hours are 9 am - 5 pm on weekdays. 
  • After Hours: Call (208) 459-5555 to talk to an on-call Advocate  
  • Location: The Advocate Center is downstairs in McCain, past the Outdoor Program, and across from the student mailboxes. Click here to view the campus map. 


All information discussed with your Advocate is CONFIDENTIAL and will not be disclosed without your written permission. However, there are a few exceptions to confidentiality, including: 

  • Harm to Self – If you are a danger to yourself and threaten to harm yourself. 
  • Harm to Others – If you threaten to harm another specific person. 
  • Abuse/Neglect of a Child – If there is reason to believe that a child under the age of 18 has been or may be abused or neglected. 
  • Abuse/Neglect of an Elderly or Disabled Person – If there is reason to believe that an elderly or disabled person has been or may be abused, neglected, or subject to financial exploitation. 
  • Court Subpoena – A court-ordered subpoena can require our staff to release information contained in records or to testify in a court hearing. 
  • Contagious Disease – If you have a contagious disease and are knowingly infecting others. 
  • Staff Consultation and Supervision of Trainees – At times, your Advocate may consult with their supervisor regarding your case. These consultations are for professional and/or training purposes only and will be held to the same confidentiality requirements.