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Academic Advising Team

Meet the Academic Advising Team


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Nicole Cammann Associate Vice President for Academic Support

Hometown: Eagle, Idaho
Education: College of Idaho, PEAK Graduate! Masters in Educational Leadership, Higher Education from Northern Arizona University
First-Year Advice: Live by your college-sponsored e-mail! YoteMail is the most important lifeline on this campus and is something you should check at least five times a day! Faculty, advisors, administration, student services, events - all will only e-mail you here. Be active and present in your e-mail to be a successful and involved student.
Student Groups: I work closely with incoming students, particularly student-athletes. I work with all students through major/minor changes and degree-progression issues. I support and guide our Academic Standing Program, so I advise all students on academic warnings and suspensions.
How to Schedule: My scheduling link is the best way.


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Aleah Mendiola Assistant Director Academic Support

Hometown: Middleton, Idaho
Education: College of Idaho graduate! Bachelor's in Biology with minors in Psychology and Art and Design. 
First-Year Advice: Reach out to your professors if you're struggling with their classes because their job is to help you succeed. Do not be afraid! If you are worried about bothering them, remember that their profession is based on helping students.

Student Groups: I mainly work with first-year international students and non-athlete students. I also work with all students that are going through major/minor changes or have academic warnings/suspensions. 
How to Schedule: My scheduling link is the best way.


Hometown: None - I was a military brat and we moved a lot, but I relocated to Idaho when I was 19 and have been here ever since!
Education: Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Broadview University
First-Year Advice:  Education will be the best investment you ever make in yourself and there is more to growing as a person than just what you will learn in the classroom.  Get involved, be kind, and try something new.  Make some mistakes – just learn from them!
Student Groups:  My goals are to help assist all students with their pre-professional aspirations. More specifically, I have a group of first-year students I support, and I assist upper-division students as they explore applications to graduate schools. I really enjoy helping students get connected with their next steps, whatever that may look like! I work closely with student leaders on resume writing and review, and am always searching for new ways to help our students feel better prepared for the workforce. Come see me to start getting ready for your next steps and to make sure your academics are opening the doors you want them too!
How to Schedule: Utilize my scheduling link here.